
Monday, March 09, 2020

"Party insiders are desperate for an alternative to Bernie Sanders. They would rather go to a meet-and-greet in Wuhan than see an avowed socialist at the top of the ticket. Those pros have solid reasons for their fear. First, they think Sanders would devastate their down-ballot candidates, jeopardizing their chances to keep the House and retake the Senate. They could be wrong, just as Republican insiders were in 2016, but they are convinced Bernie would pose impossible obstacles for centrist Democrats across the country. Second, Bernie would assault the insiders hold on lucrative lobbying contracts and policy influence, just as Trump’s victory smacked down the K Street Republicans, the US Chamber of Commerce, and traditional Republican think tanks."

The headline is the ending paragraph of, "Joe Biden, restoration man - Biden wants to turn Trump into a bizarre interregnum between the prelapsarian Obama years and the senile shelter of the Uncle Joe years," byWill Lloyd; this Spectator link.

Basically the item characterized Biden as running to restore the sanity of the Obama years. When you read the linked item please read it from the perspective that the Obama years [CHANGE promised, promise reneged on] being years causing such unrest with the Status Quo then that Trump ended in the White House for the first [only?] Trump term. If dissatisfaction led to Trump, perhaps the idea of restoring it entails flaws.

The site is worthwhile: Spectator about page. Spectator US version, i.e., written by Brits, about our nation, not theirs.