
Friday, March 13, 2020

The Democratic Party's actual big fear is not Biden losing. That never was as big as the fear of Bernie winning. Mediocrity prevailed yet again because true reform rocks rich boats. Good luck to down-ticket progressives, who have a lot to push against.

For now, after this post a vacation from posting for Bernie and all his fine policy.

We will get to see how four more Trump years will work out.

However, the young will outlive Clyburn and those who went Biden after Clyburn's endorsement.

Bloomberg bought his wish. Biden? Of course big money calls his tune. Hunter? Awful. Senility? There there are troubling signs.

The Republican Bloomberg, what did he buy with over half a billion dollars of spent wealth? It is the status quo he purchased - whether it be Biden or Bloomberg's party's Trump in November. Bloomberg bought status quo in place of reform.

Both Clintons must be happy. Feeling no Bern.

But time favors the young if they follow AOC and do not let the likes of a college town mayor younger than Bernie or Biden mislead. The last thing that little guy wants is reform. What he wants is his share. As big as he can make it. Which will be large because he follows orders. If he can bootstrap himself into more than he is, he'll grab success in an eyeblink. At any cost. His only problem will be elbowing against Kamala Harris for it.

Lean and hungry look was Shakespeare's wording.

Clyburn may end up liking the Indiana small town mayor. Who knows.

That awaits the end of Trump's second term.

UPDATE: Serendipitously coming to mind, readers off the tops of your heads, can you distinguish between a kleptocracy, a plutocracy, and an oligarchy? Considering the last two as largely congruent, a guess is that however you define things the first of the three shares a large Venn diagram overlap with the other two. What does welfare spending look like in a plutocracy? Itmes of intrerest, here, here, here and here. Enjoy the remaining primaries. Try web research - is Bloomberg still spending millions at a time on advertising, and if so, what is he selling or slinging mud at?