
Monday, March 09, 2020

The Trump economy's one-way how to dissemble game.

When things go boom, it's because of Trump. When things go bust, look elsewhere.

When trash-jobs growth occurs, below $15/hr and "part-time" without benefits to where food stamps are needed for survival, call it "job growth" and tout it numberwise, not as quality jobs vs trash-jobs. Trump's clientele favors that kind of serfdom anyway.

When overall wage stagnation is accompanied by consumer price inflation, don't mention that to the serfs, because the Trump clientele, the monied aristocracy, loves it that way.

Investment growth boosting portfolio values are good and happen because of Trump; tanking is external factors at play. Talk as if stock and bond market growth or shrinkage is all that matters as a sufficient measure of the economy's performance, because Trump's clientele only care about their portfolio fluctuation; all else beings "market noise" of little consequence.

With a few simple rules you can understand Trump Administration economic dissembling facially, and at the honest core.

One last rule - tout the private sector's entrepreneurship over government interference, while taking credit as responsible for portfolio-grade asset growth doing well. Never mind inconsistency and wanting it both ways - the invisible hand and Trump's hand being cognates, because details serve only to confuses common minds.

Being dishonest about the economy is easy. So why don't more people try it? Being unable to afford bread and pharma at the same time due to inadequate income does happen but that is because of personal character deficiencies of those in such a straddle. If only they had more gumption they'd bootstrap out of poverty. Sooner rather than later. Once showing adequate character these troubled people might even prosper to where they'd become Republicans. It happens.

Contradicting Trump economy touting is like arm wrestling with a ratchet. Things only click one way, in Trump-world.