
Sunday, February 23, 2020

The web is full of "Sanders wins Nevada" reporting. From mid-item, Strib carrying an AP feed, "While Sanders' victory in Nevada encouraged his supporters, it only deepened concern among establishment-minded Democratic leaders who fear . . .".

Link.  What do they fear?

Strib finishes the particular paragraph:

[..] he is too extreme to defeat Trump. Sanders for decades has been calling for transformative policies to address inequities in politics and the economy, none bigger than his signature "Medicare for All" health care plan that would replace the private insurance system with a government-run universal program.

True enough. The entrenched inner party Tom Perez types want cash flow from spoils. We know that. Hence, I would finish the headlined sentence:

[...] that Sanders will decisively win, without their own claws on things, and that their lobbyist and consultant hangers-on could end up getting no opportunity to loot the spoils of a Sanders victory.

That is what they fear. Their plastic people getting displaced with progressive populists having no stake in perpetuating the bogus status quo. Whatever the established Dempcratic Party DC operatives may say, the people getting fair treatment, and Wall Street getting it too generates fear; fear first over expanding the benefit of government to the people, then fear secondly over a likely general election post-victory squeezing by Sanders and those he empowers of the greedy who've been in the drivers' seats under past presidencies of either party - squeezing them until they bleed out some of their ill-gotten money to finance fairness to everyone else. And that fear is real. Real enough to move Bloomberg to try to buy the whole shooting match for himself and allies. Massive "Stop Bernie" spending speaks eloquently about WHO and FOR WHAT PURPOSE Dempcratic Party "regulars" are conspiring with Republican Michael Bloomberg to keep inequality wholly intact.

That in short is what the regular inner party perps fear. Having their gluttonous share diminished by one single dollar is enough to strike terror into their complacent egotistical hearts. Their hearts and minds cannot grasp "fairness" simply because they have lived so long privileged above fairness that they feel entitlements mean only theirs; nobody else being entitled to anything but table scraps they may or may not choose to leave.

Go Bernie. Win and improve things. Things stand where improvement is easy, given how dastardly the world is being run by bankers and other scurvy characters. Make them feel the Bern. Ideally not by a little, but by a lot. Even clean a little in Hollywood.

click image to read names

See:'s post: "Who is funding the anti-Bernie Sanders super PAC? By Ilma Hasan, February 21, 2020".

That item provides links, whereas commentary based upon the item omits posting links. SPEDIFICALLY, the item links to two other related pages it posts; here and here. So, where really is the news in Bibi disrespects Bernie? A far right Trump-loving crook dislikes a reformer. Wow! News!

Bernie favors fairnes, and that attracks detractors. Detractors who favor the status quo; a/k/a their power, run amok, still, and forever. the truth is it does not have to be their way. Voters in Nevada were awake. Nationwide, let us hope for an equal wakefulness.

FURTHER: Politico's representative report on the Sanders win.

FURTHER; Politico's Playbook for 2/23/2020, lists leading links:
NYT: “In show of might, Sanders wins Nevada”WAPO: “Sanders dominates in Nevada” … LAS VEGAS SUN: “FIRST IN THE WEST” … LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL: “Sanders takes Nevada” … N.Y. POST: “BERNIN’ DOWN THE HOUSE”

Also, Politico - mid-item:

The high number of early votes in Nevada was viewed by Democrats as an encouraging development after turnout fell below expectations in Iowa.

A majority of early voters were first-time caucus-goers, a positive sign for a party seeking evidence of enthusiasm to defeat President Donald Trump. The Nevada Democratic Party said Saturday that more than 10,000 Nevadans registered to vote as Democrats during the four-day early voting period, expanding the party’s registration advantage in the state.

The Sanders wave, as many outside of mainstream media expected, brought new young blood into the Nevada Democratic Party, much as it will do in the general election. Leading to a Sanders victory holding Trump/Pence to a single term. That is the scenario if the party coalesces behind Bernie; with nobody poisoning the well from within Democratic Party status quo ranks.


FURTHER: Guardian, here and here.