
Sunday, February 23, 2020

Jennifer Rubin dislikes Bernie over policy, but falls back on the "Can't win" canard, while Bernie is winning. [UPDATED]

The Bloomberg wallet weight is yet to be felt. Super Tuesday meets that Gotham City situation in a few days, and we will know more.

Meanwhile, Rubin spins out trash on how to screw over Bernie, as if that were some kind of good idea. For a Democratic Party death wish, perhaps screwing Bernie might suffice, but Jen goes beyond good taste and sound judgment in Chicken Little rhetoric. Bezos' paper publishes. Bernie is critical of Amazon. But there is editorial independence, surely there is?

Sirota, a Bernie backer, provides multiple links to counter Rubin's bald assertions gleaned from navel gazing rather than fact. Rubin, as noted, disagrees on policy but attacks with an electability canard. That is dishonesty, in my book. Bernie is the most electable choice the Democratic Party has; the question being whether inner party comfort is at stake to a degree where entrenched inner party types would prefer a Trump four more to a Bernie winning candidacy where they hold no share and stand to lose punditry status within their Party ranks. They reject their only real chance, besides Warren, that they have of winning. Bloomberg is more a joke than Biden. If they face that truth, they can win - but not by advancing a strutting turkey.