
Friday, February 21, 2020

AIPAC is being a major nuisance, and for its own good should stop, draw back, and get decent.

Link. What a bunch of meddlers. They should be ashamed. The linked MinnPost item, with comments, should serve to educate them that ham-handed tactics are inappropriate. AND counterproductive. Surely they have indefensible conduct to defend, making their lives and professional conduct difficult, but perhaps the Israelis should take a long look at themselves and change for the better because their current treatment of Palestinians is brutal and indecent. It is why BDS is needed, unless and until BDS is successful in generating decency in place of the indecency that now prevails in Israeli politics. Get real or go away, is a phrase for them to chew upon. We do not need them complicating our nation's foreign affairs via their unreasonableness in their neighborhood.