Bernie has us in mind.
In turn, we who think, have Bernie in mind.
We patiently await the primary voting chance to boost his chances. Hence:
Still, no one in Sanders-world interviewed by The Daily Beast said they were surprised that Trump has been privately expressing concerns about the appeal of Sanders and the senator’s brand of Democratic socialism, particularly in several states he won.
“I’ve always thought he would be obsessed with the senator,” Nina Turner, a senior Sanders adviser and his campaign’s national co-chair, told The Daily Beast about Trump. “He knows that he is the true progressive and the right person to go up against his faux populism.”
Sanders’ communications director Mike Casca put it another way: “They should be very worried.”
Others in Sanders’ circle point to his strength with working class voters, in part, who first voted for him in 2016 and swung to Trump in the general election. Multiple sources said they have worked to expand that base of support in the 2020 cycle.
“Bernie’s appeal,” Jim Zogby, a national surrogate for Sanders, said, “is to multi-ethnic and white working-class voters across the board. That is the crowd that the [Democratic] Party handed to Trump on a platter and Bernie is in effect saying, ‘Thank you, I’ll take that.’” Daily Beast - Jan 14, 2020
It was handed Bernie, in 2016, when nobody else stood up to say "I accept." Clinton from Day 1 represented "them," and surely not "US." "WE" are not wealthy corporate and Wall Street poobah-donors flowing massive cash amounts from the 1% to a horde of all too willing politicians, willing to dutifully represent the 1% instead of "US.".
Bernie has "US" flowing small amount cash donations, from many in the 99% who believe. Others had their best chance then, in 2016 to challenge the Clintons, but deferred. Bernie stepped up to the batter's box and tried. Now Bernie is in a race including at least one such prominent "other" who at the time was begged to run. Not begged this time when the begging was for Bernie --- Run again, please. FOR US. Bernie is who we need, and all we need, top down. Bernie stands for doing DC differently; bottom up instead of top money, down. The new thing: Trickle UP. It's worth the try, since Trickle Down has failed giantly, be it a Bush, a Clinton, a McConnell, a Pelosi, or a Trump.
Liz is fine enough, should she outdraw Bernie at the polls, but her big rock to push uphill is in 2016 she took a hike.
People were begging Warren to run against the Clinton machine. She should have. She declined then. When called when needed . . .
The fact is, one Bernie is all we need. So support his candidacy and thus befriend "US," all of "US," the best way possible. Yet be sensible about a second choice - bridges to another option, if needed. But don't forget that the direct road and bridge to initiating systemic reform is to put Bernie in the WhiteHouse, thanking others.
Perhaps not needed, perhaps worth noting - Michael Moore and Krystal Ball are overreacting, and should cool off their hot rhetoric so as to later not have to eat their words, much as the plethora of "NeverTrump" Republicans have.
If we do not win with Bernie in the primaries then without Warren, instead, - who?
Biden? The Mayor? Steyer? AKlo? --- Get serious.
Warren's camp, apparently led by her, made a major mistake, but considering the old saying, she's "baby" and not "bath water."
Bernie people need to be adult about things. Have their aims but honor another cliche, about noses and faces.
For now, quell barking, and let Bernie and Liz resolve things with one another to where civility and joint hopes overcome the moment. Mainstream media will want to foster the arson of both campaigns, and neither campaign nor its supporters should fall into that trap.
The reality is aside from Bernie, Liz seems the only other viable chance "WE/US" have. Steyer does talk the talk. There is that. And as an equally remote likelihood as Steyer, there is Tulsi, who broke DNC comitted ranks in 2016 to endorse Bernie.
That's about it, though.
______________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Bernie is who Bernie was, thirty years ago, as documented in a 1988 CSPAN video when he was mayor of Burlington, VT. It's a 25 minute video, which everyone wanting to vote in the Democratic primaries should watch. Consistency matters. Warren at the time was an entrenched academic, not active as an office holder or candidate, and had even less a popularly known persona than the little known Vermont mayor:
Warren began her academic career as a lecturer at Rutgers University, Newark School of Law (1977–78). She then moved to the University of Houston Law Center (1978–83), where she became an associate dean in 1980 and obtained tenure in 1981. She taught at the University of Texas School of Law as visiting associate professor in 1981 and returned as a full professor two years later (staying from 1983 to 1987). She was a research associate at the Population Research Center of the University of Texas at Austin from 1983 to 1987[20] and was also a visiting professor at the University of Michigan in 1985. During this period, Warren also taught Sunday school.[13][26]
Warren's earliest academic work was heavily influenced by the law and economics movement, which aimed to apply neoclassical economic theory to the study of law with an emphasis on economic efficiency. One of her articles, published in 1980 in the Notre Dame Law Review, argued that public utilities were over-regulated and that automatic utility rate increases should be instituted.[27] But Warren soon became a proponent of on-the-ground research into how people respond to laws. Her work analyzing court records and interviewing judges, lawyers, and debtors, established her as a rising star in the field of bankruptcy law.[28] According to Warren and economists who follow her work, one of her key insights was that rising bankruptcy rates were caused not by profligate consumer spending but by middle-class families' attempts to buy homes in good school districts.[29] WIKIPEDIA
So, Bernie taking that same decades-consistent message to the people in 2016 and against Wall Street's owned darling awakened belief and true HOPE. Now he is not jealous of others "surfing his wave." Instead, "It's not me, it's US." Warren is or should be like-minded, i.e., specifically without throwing a gender sabot into the works when the issue is money and class warfare against the poor and middle class, by the ultra rich and their hangers-on.
Warren threw that sabot. And should not have done so. Especially an unverifiable sabot, one with no backing or decisive evidence beyond two people recollecting an ancillary point of discussion during a major political pow-wow between the two, held two years ago. It was bad form to instigate that. Now that it is done, damage control suggests the two candidates need to meet again in private as before, to reach an understanding - not about "THEM, HIM AND HER," but about US.
____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
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A screen capture from the 1988 Sanders-CSPAN video, same passion, same accent, more hair. |
FURTHER: If not wanting to view the entire 1988 video, taking only 25 minutes, that part of it which recently is growing legs, under a minute in length, is on YouTube, here. It refutes a recent assertion. It is about US, our issues, our aims, how the system treats US. The forest, not individual political interactions or inconsistent recollections. The forest and not individual trees. Show sense.