
Friday, September 20, 2019

Strib carrying an AP feed, raising more questions than giving answers; so read and infer.

An excerpt:

Giuliani told CNN that Trump was unaware of his actions.

"I did what I did on my own," Giuliani said. "I told him about it afterward.

Later, Giuliani tweeted, "A President telling a Pres-elect of a well known corrupt country he better investigate corruption that affects US is doing his job."

Among the materials Democrats have sought in that investigation is the transcript of a phone call Trump had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on July 25.

Trump. Concerned about corruuption. That really is news. But also politics?

House Democrats are fighting the administration separately for access to witnesses and documents in impeachment probes. Democrats are also looking into whether Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani traveled to Ukraine to pressure the government to aid the president's reelection effort by investigating the activities of potential rival Joe Biden's son Hunter, who worked for a Ukrainian gas company.

[This link]

If the Bidens or one of them did something profitable and crooked, the public deserves to know. But Trump as instigator, or Rudy, either way politics arises as a clear stench attached to any factual content.

Bernie and Warren have no rattling skeletons; Trump? He's a big big closet to hold them all.

We can do better than we might. Bernie and Warren, again, fit that billing.