
Friday, September 20, 2019

What is true or false when Ilhan Omar says it is identically true or false when Jason Lewis says it. The truthfulness of content of a message is independent of the messenger. Words can be shaded or blunt, but where is the hair-burning outrage over Jason Lewis and his shoot-from-the-lip persona and mentality.

Strib writes. Elliot Engle where are you to take your phony degree of offense, this time?


Minnesota U.S. Senate candidate Jason Lewis said on the radio in 2013 that some of his fellow Republicans had “dual loyalties” to the U.S. and Israel, and he attributed political support for the country to what he called “a very strong American Jewish lobby.”

[...] [...] In a statement, Lewis said his radio job “meant asking rhetorical questions, challenging audiences, playing devil’s advocate and seeing both sides of every issue.” His campaign manager, Tom Szymanski, said Lewis’s House voting record showed strong support for the U.S.-Israel relationship.

In the 2013 broadcast, Lewis claimed “there were a number of dual citizens” making policy during the administration of President George W. Bush.

Is it a defense of anything to say that as a radio host he dealt in bullshit because that was the key job qualification, but that he delivered votes independent of what he said to people on radio?

That is one strange defense statement. Bush the Younger did have that cell of neocons poisoning his presidency, and Israel got an Iraq war out of the cell, and Lewis, then, may have been factually correct, as Ilhan Omar was when she was critical of the power of the Israel lobby. There has been no call for any special prosecutor to investigate Israeli effort to influence U.S. election results. Such a probe might uncover more than Mueller found about Russia.

Why is it deemed worse by Israel's boosters to have true-enough comments by a Muslim castigated, but when by an idiot and a Republican, (I do repeat myself), things are okay?

Double standards always amuse and confuse. Beat those drums each of you who hung Omar out to dry.