
Friday, September 20, 2019

Follow the money. Quell the wisdom-free permitting. Janet Entzel and Steve Timmer co-write a letter to Strib's editors.

As headlined, respectively here, here and here. Mining at its worse is really damned bad!

In opposition to a terrible proposal set, one presently subject to a politically short sighted cramdown.

A/k/a hard rock sulfide mining without being actually near at all to suitable protections - as if suitable protection would represent an economic deal killer; so loosen the protections of the future, dig that f**king ore, process it on the cheap, because on the cheap is how to maximize short-term profits.

Damn the long term risks and consequences to us all; it's a Ranger "need." Others might call it only a "want," but DFL and Republican office holders will say it is a "need." They need to hold their elective offices, and what trumps that as a compelling need? Nothing! Don't rely on that said here. Ask 'em instead. Better - watch what they do not what they say. Learn how more corners can be cut than ever entered your imagination about public servants in action and who's served first and regularly. A/k/a follow the money; make reasonable circumstantial inferences from the money trail. It is a learning process.