
Monday, August 19, 2019

Time to callout: "The New Democrat Coalition" is the old same old. And shame on them.

It is characterized by Joe Biden and John Delaney; the idea-free and progress-free trodden path of spin but don't change.

There is a Wikipedia page, where you can wordsearch =Biden or =Delaney or =Clinton; or try =Wasserman, as in DWS who was forced out of the DNC leadership position over bias and unfairness.

Those people.

There is nothing "New" about that. And at the last debate, Sen. Warren clarified that point beyond doubt when she flamed Rep. Delanety's BS screed-mongering with one clear question: "Why Run For President If You Don’t Want to Fight?"

Midway through Tuesday’s interminable Democratic debate, Senator Elizabeth Warren asked a simple question. Turning to John Delaney, a proudly centrist former congressman who is currently polling at 0 percent, Warren asked why he was on stage. “I don’t understand why anybody goes to all the trouble of running for president of the United States just to talk about what we really can’t do and shouldn’t fight for,” she said. “I don’t get it.”

Delaney, who accused progressives of introducing big proposals that were “dead on arrivYesal,” provoked Warren’s remark. But he was hardly the only candidate to cry common sense! as an objection to the left-wing policies favored by Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont. [...] As the hours ticked by on Tuesday night, the centrist version of progress sounded more and more like an unjustifiable attempt to rebrand the status quo instead of changing it.

Yes. The party of the "arguably too big tent," where a so-called front-runner tells fat cats he's running against the worse person ever to occupy the oval office, with the compelling pledge, "Nothing will fundamentally change."

So, with that as a platform, Warren's question is answered. Those New Democrats will not fight after all, if nothing is to fundamentally change. Ego-tripping is left as motivation for running tepid, as the candidate from Comcast, another big tent enclosing the entirety of MSNBC's shills, who are doing it to you for the paychecks.

And, oh, that does supplement ego-tripping. Try a websearch ="Hunter Biden." Now, not liking what that websearch discloses, it makes it three strikes and out: ego, paycheck, and slush.
Or am I too hard on the New Dems? Possibly, after all I supported Angie Craig and Dean Phillips, who allow Wikipedia to call them New Dems, and my sole defense there is Jason Lewis and the other, worse stiff, Paulsen; whom Craig and Phillips respectively erased from the halls of Congress. Compromise, yes. But when you're talking Lewis and Paulsen, . . .

Finally, having to close upbeat and on a positive belief that progressive change is possible, via voting of those having hearts and minds.