
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Worth noting, news out of Denver from about a week ago - - -

The Intercept posted, "Denver’s City Council, Led by Democratic Socialist, Stuns For-Profit Prison Operators by Nuking Contracts - By: Ryan Grim - August 8 2019, 10:00 a.m."

image source: Frank Rich
writing at
The Intercept's item speaks for itself, so, no excerpt. What is striking is that the immense Sanders popularity as a "Democratic Socialist" with the best of ideas has opened up the term "socialism" as a good thing and not a mere Republican shiboleth-boogyman anachrnistically left over from the rubble of McCarthy-Coen red-scare days of the 1950's. It is a long-overdue change. And needed because private prisons are worth full scorn, and because Trump-Coen rhetoric needs as much a debunking and burial as Coen's earned.