
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Joe, now on his campaign website, has plans. We should wonder, what gave him the idea that having plans might be a good point of emphasis.


Among the words and phrases absent on the page: poor, poverty, student debt, and paycheck-to-paycheck. Readers can check plan subpages, for word usage.

On that page, "middle class" appears 13 times. Change/changes once.

Particularly noteworthy, "Nothing will fundamentally change," is a missing phrase. It's reserved for fundraiser use, apparently.

If you see Biden and/or how he presents himself as more than a massive YAWN, then ask yourself what about Joe Biden inspires you the most. What is it about Joe Biden that makes you enthusiastic? When you put great trust in Biden, what most inspires that feeling?

Is it the slogan, "America is an idea?"

On that webpage: Where does the term "grass roots," or "grassroots" appear?

Last, does anyone know crowd sizes Biden is attracting? At fundraisers or other Biden events?  People taking their time to go and see what Joe Biden is all about?

FURTHER; The Biden campaign website has an "EVENTS" heading. Is a phonebank an event under the generally accepted  meaning of the word, "EVENT?"

Doesn't "EVENT" mean things such as Warren's appearance at Macalester College in Minnesota? Where Warren drew a Bernie-sized crowd estimated at 12,000 people, there to listen, approve, and to greet?

Maybe an EVENT is an idea?