
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Guardian has a fine extended item on speculation that Sanders and Warren will be the real Democratic Party contest, others fading to irrelevance.

Most of the early polls have the combined progressive pair's numbers topping Biden's name recognition, this early, with Iowa still to happen some time from now. Guardian's item mentions a Cenk Uygur editorial in WaPo, without linking. It is online here. Berine did criticize - WaPo owned by Bezos who runs Amazon which Bernie criticizes, etc. This looks like an effort to disarm criticism of WaPo.

At any rate, Guardian sees others fading and a contest between the two progressives. Also online from 2016 is a classic Uygur rant running over twelve minutes against WaPo's then disrespect for Bernie's challenge to the Clinton cramdown machine.  RawStory coverage back then. With that history, offering op-ed space to Uygur now makes sense from the WaPo perspective. It is early, and likely will pass into collective unconscousness by Iowa time; so why not.

One thing from Guardian, knowing that Warren drew a 12,000 person crowd in Minnesota, they add that days after she drew 15,000 in Seattle.

More than attend Biden big-money fundraisers, where Biden will continue to hold that lead against Sanders and Warren because neither takes tainted money. If Biden ends up an early casualty and drops out, Harris might pass his fat cat money raising, becasue she takes tainted money and is so ambitious that she'd not likely throw in the towel. But of the also-rans, a Democratic victory in November 2020 could yield Tulsi as Pentagon head, and Bullock as head of the Interior Department, given his challenge to Trumpian evils against public lands and his having disdain for Montana days of the "copper barons."

In Minnesota, a little measure of focused federal disdain for "copper barons" then and now, would be a breath of fresh air.

No item excerpting, so read the linked content. AND-

A bonus RawStory link to, "Wall Street traders are tuning out Trump after lies about China trade phone calls: report," and for the really good readers who will follow interesting links, one more from RawStory, "Mike Pence scorched as a prime example of why people hate religion." Not being a religion hater, but having a low regard for the fundies such as Abigail Whelan, it is Pence, himself in all aspects including his backing of Doug Wardlow's run for Minnesota AG against his better, that gets my mind when considering Mike Pence to remembering how now you can buy big packaged sacks of composted steer manure.

Bonus video.