
Friday, August 30, 2019

Vultures we know of and abhor.

The medical industrial complex is doing big-time funding against Medicare for All. In Iowa.

Links, here and here.

Those links were provided in an emailed Bern Notice. We each would like to win such vast amounts in a lottery.

UPDATE: the Bern Notice identified perps.

FURTHER: The Intercept reports of what some may see as slight of hand, "Before Kamala Harris Soured on Bernie Sanders’s Medicare for All Bill, She Grew Her Email List From It -- by Akela Lacy, August 26 2019, 5:23 p.m.";

Harris told attendees at the fundraiser that her plan would preserve private insurance, distancing herself from Sanders’s plan, which she was the first senator to co-sponsor in 2017.

In April 2019, her campaign ran a flurry of ads saying she was “proud to be an original co-sponsor of the Medicare for All bill in the Senate.”

In January, she ran a sponsored campaign via Daily Kos asking the site’s readers to sign a petition — one that would have them join her own email list — calling for Medicare for All. “Every single person living in our country should have access to high-quality, meaningful, affordable health care, from birth on up. That’s why I’m proud to co-sponsor the Medicare for All Act in the Senate,” she wrote in an email to the site’s users, linking to a petition that has since been removed and putting her support of Sanders’s bill in bold.

Shabby? You decide.

FURTHER: A by-association websearch. And a video. If short of time cut into the video at the four minute mark. It is informative. Warren, Booker and Blumenthal come across as sincere. "Single payer" as the crux of things is unequivocal and inescapable. Could any adult on that podium listening be in any sense confused, never mind one trained in the law?

FURTHER: Politico, June 30, of this year. The Hill, an image. She was that little girl.