
Sunday, September 01, 2019

NBC is hosting the next Dem "debate." [ERROR - the image and info are for the 4th debate, in October, not the Sept. one]

It will be more a made for TV soundbite extravaganza than any real debate. And NBC is owned by Comcast with MSNBC being its flagship conservative-posing-as-something-other outlet. Will it be a jump-in against Sanders/Warren and progressiveism by the others? Will there be a Biden gaffe of importnce, something beyond inconsequential in measure?

The Clintonian [Republican] wing of the Democratic Party is MSNBC/NBC pro-corporate and pro-rich guys actual fodder, while Trump and Pence types are said by that network to be too extreme. But in 2016, the amount of air time MSNBC gave Trump was obscenely extensive.

At least the show will have only ten contestants. Some not on the stage might be better candidate choices than some on the stage, but what will Joe show? Little is the guess here, but some will be watching while others will rely on a quick read by MSM and web outlets to gauge the thing. The sentiment here is already narrowed to Bernie and Warren as standard bearers for wanting real change, and this TV show will do little to ease deciding which to vote for when Minnesota has its primary. Yes there is a leaning here, but waiting is best.

In an ideal world from the perspective here, a first term would be Bernie - Warren, with a second term having them switch places. Moreover, the truth of a Congress in both houses mired in middle-road mediocrity is a sobering reality, when wanting change. Hoyer is Hoyer and disinclined to change.

Watch the thing, at your peril.

UPDATE: See Politico report on the 4th debate details.