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Please note how Breitbart's author opens by citing like-minded WaPo editorializing disguised as reporting:
“Now is not the time to play it safe. If we play it safe, Trump is going to get reelected — or worse,” said Kacey Carpenter, 56, who came to see Sunday’s speech dressed in a Sanders shirt and hat.
But the power of their newly emboldened movement remains unclear. Even here in deep blue California, it faces hurdles. Late Saturday, the state party overwhelmingly elected a labor leader from the mainstream ranks of the party as its new chairman. He defeated a liberal activist backed by many Sanders supporters.
And interviews with current and former elected officials, strategists and donors in California revealed a relatively high level of confidence in Biden’s ability to defeat Trump. Many Democrats see that as the most important quality in a candidate.
“This is not a normal presidential election,” said former U.S. senator Barbara Boxer, a California Democrat who called beating Trump a “moral imperative.”
Asked who fits that bill, she replied, “I think the only one right now is Joe.” That could change with time, said Boxer, who has not endorsed a candidate.
Both outlets setting Sanders up as the fall guy; Joe as the savior knight on a white horse. Bullshit, pervasive bullshit; so do your own thinking rather than passively buying into mainstream media's drumbeat messaging to bury Bernie. It goes to show who's feared, who's no real threat; with Crabgrass readers tasked with those two categories, with Bernie and Biden, and which to put into which category.
______________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Part of the establishment inner party taking turf away from any insurgency; here, here and here. This is a path headed straight toward four-more Trump years. The Dem party big-buck donors would prefer that outcome over reform, and may get it, with the rank-and-file wondering "What happened."
2016, redux. Run a flawed and weak Republican-lite candidate, lose the election, but oppose the insurgency as the true inner party aim.
AOC is the future, not Pelosi. Idiots take longer to see that while progressives readily note things smelling in need of freshness.
A most telling image. Note all the enthused young faces.
Yeah. Right. The only youngish looking face is on the held up image in the hands of the guy with the blue MAGA hat (or a substantial equivalent headpeice). Poster image and titling being a sad, sad joke on a yesteryear idea.
Status quo Joe with Beto attached in second spot might seem fine to some. Others might be more discerning. A party disdainful of the young and complacent in their own mid-to-late-life career luck and pluck will not get the job done. Far too many in that image look just like Joe Biden.
FURTHER: Win on progress or lose on Hillary redux. The Atlantic. A Utah LTE. That LTE reflects directly to the beginning of this post; to the headline; and the unions may be smart enough to figure out a winning progressive offers more short and long term promise than a stale losing status-quo Joe. The unions could learn to love Ilhan Omar too. If they'd listen to what she says instead of what's said about her by detractor-distractors. Ditto Tulsi Gabbard. Women who are like Elizabeth Warren - worth attention, unlike Megadollar Pelosi, the talking multi-million dollar accumulated personal fortune backing more of the same - for you, for your family.
Would it surprise you if Steny Hoyer in the next few days were to endorse Joe Biden?
FURTHER: If Breitbart laying out in full color that Trump wants Biden as his 2020 Hillary, there is a second barometer. FOX.
FURTHER: Here, here and here. By many measures, tried and found wanting. The problem? The man wants and is getting boosts from the wrong folks, for trying.
A single word? Mediocre. Him. Those pushing him. Tom Perez. DNC. DCCC. Comcast.
Institutionalized mediocrity and mendacity. As voters, do not forget to say, "Thank you." Retch in the bushes, but do remember, "Thank you." It's expected.
FURTHER: Also, do remember, say "Thank you," for the help given, last time. Comcast's MSNBC shows what you need to know if you know how to watch; what to watch for, what to make of fashioning of news.