
Saturday, October 13, 2018

Banks sure are doing well in the Trump-GOP tax cut world. Are you?

Correct me if wrong, but Paulsen, Lewis, and Emmer lined up to service tax breaks for the super wealthy. And it worked:

Citigroup profit rises to $4.6 billion, beats Street views

By: Ken Sweet, Ap Business Writer Updated 9:32 am PDT, Friday, October 12, 2018

Driven by higher interest rates, JPMorgan profits rise
By: Ken Sweet, Ap Business Writer Updated 9:33 am PDT, Friday, October 12, 2018

Wells Fargo's profit rises to $6 billion in latest quarter
By Matt Ott, Ap Business Writer Updated 7:22 am PDT, Friday, October 12, 2018

Ask about it all at the next townhall session each of those three luminaries holds in Minnesota.

How's the family nest egg doing with stocks dropping in what's termed an "adjustment?" Ask at the townhall how "the adjustment" relates to all the benefits touted for you when tax break stuff went through Congress on greased skids. You should expect a clear answer because each of these three is an honorable gentleman.

Former Republican legislator Glen Taylor is likely doing well too. He deserves that. He owns a published major newspaper, where you can seek business news reporting.