
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Same old, same old. Sometimes Matt Look gets stale, with his too regular bleat. And with less courage Robyn West ducked having to vote. What a trophy pair.

All politics is local. ABC Newspapers:

County Board proposes 4.94 percent tax levy increase
By Peter Bodley, Contributing Writer Oct 7, 2018

[...]The final certified 2019 levy, as well as the budget, will be adopted by the County Board Friday, Dec. 7, at its 9:30 a.m. meeting following a public truth-in-taxation hearing on the levy and budget at 6 p.m. the evening before, on Thursday, Dec. 6, at the Anoka County Government Center.

[...]The County Board action came on a 5-1 vote with Commissioner Matt Look opposed. Commissioner Robyn West was not at the meeting.

According to Look, he could not support such a large levy increase, which is a lot higher than the growth in economic development in the county in the past year.

Residents in his district are still struggling financially, and this proposed levy increase is only the county’s share of the total property tax levy which will also include increases from the school district, city and other taxing jurisdictions, Look said.

Costs are going up for wages and health care, so the board needs to focus on its core mission by determining needs versus wants, he said.

Surely we do not need Matt Look, and wise people should want him out. So much for wants and needs. The guy is like a broken record. That's an old saying from the vinyl turntable days, for younger readers. Sometimes a track would get scratched to where the needle does not advance, instead playing the same circuit time and again.

Is the newer saying, one trick pony. That is without an "h." Isn't it?

Worse aspect: His seat is not up this November. We wish. We wait. So very, very tiring - the vinyl road sign man of the GOP.