
Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Ellison marriage dissolution file. Do you care? You should, because privacy is important. Who knows what may come next?


“My ex-wife, Kim, and I are good friends,” Ellison said. “She has said repeatedly that there is … nothing that has ever happened similar to what Karen Monahan falsely accused me of, so it really should not be [unsealed]. It’s unfair to my kids and unfair to her, and I hope the judge turns down the people who want to open up our divorce file.”

An attorney hired by the DFL Party to investigate the allegation could not substantiate it after Monahan refused to share a video of the incident that she has said she recorded.

Hutchison found arguments to unseal by attorneys for the Star Tribune and Alpha News more persuasive than what he described as the “broad reasons” brought by Kjellberg.

Under Minnesota law, all court records are presumed public “unless narrow, clearly delineated exclusions” apply, the referee wrote. Hutchison concluded that the Ellisons’ privacy concerns were not different from the thousands of other unsealed divorce cases in the same judicial district and agreed that the Ellisons’ concerns were “vague and speculative.”

Hutchison wrote that while he took Ellison’s security concerns seriously, he could not find specific concerns articulated in Kjellberg’s arguments to the court. The Ellisons are both elected public officials, Hutchison added, and already encounter security concerns through their positions. Hutchison pointed out that because Ellison is running for office, his daily schedule is not difficult to find. Kim Ellison is a member of the Minneapolis Board of Education.

Who else could have unwelcome dissolution scrutiny? It could snowball.

E.g., Search here, for party, Robert Kroll. Is this Wardlow's henchperson:

Case No. 27-FA-000080582
Case Type:Dissolution with Child
Date Filed:05/09/1980
Location:- Hennepin Family
Party Information

Lead Attorneys
PetitionerKROLL, JOYCE D


Events & Orders of the Court
01/01/1989  Converted Documents

1980 is quite a few years ago. Admittedly, Robert Kroll might be a common enough name that a different person's file is presented. Who knows?

Searching the site is not difficult. Making sense of search returns might be.