
Friday, August 18, 2017

"Kushner has also told people that he thinks Mercer and her father, the hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer — who poured $13 million into a super PAC that supported Ted Cruz’s campaign in the Republican primary and came around to Trump after he won the nomination — have taken too much credit for their role in Trump's victory, and he has expressed misgivings about their go-it-alone approach to outside spending boosting Trump’s agenda. 'If Bannon leaves the White House, Bekah’s access and influence shrinks dramatically,' said the GOP operative who talks to Mercer."

Bannon tune time. So, who had Pilate's ear? Shouting a choice for Barabbas? Commentary on the Bannon ouster by Kushner appears to not have been reported, nor sought, nor given.

Related or not this. On such a consideration, commentary by Mike Pence appears to not have been reported, nor sought, nor given.

In closing, the headline quote is from here. In the present situation, commentary on the Banon ouser by either of the Mercers appears to not have been reported, nor sought, nor given.

Silence may be golden, but candor is more of a hoot.

UPDATE: Re-reading, to quell ambiguity, make the one sentence, "Commentary by Kushner on the Bannon ouster appears to not have been reported, nor sought, nor given." It would be wrong to give readers misleading thoughts.

FURTHER: Is this a Breitbart version of ultimate insult?