
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Whitewash of treatment accorded black college athletes.

This site links to this lengthy online pdf item. (Lawyers paid by the word?)

Two screen captures - and the notion of glide-and-slice begging of a basic question, words as friends to some, enemies of others - click each image to enlarge and read; highlighting added:

You can put all the sophistry in the world into all the other 300+ pages, but "on campus" on the first page is a telling thing, given events off campus were the basis for keelhauling the five dismissed black athletes.

You can put sophistry into whatever, but when "criminal activity" or "criminal conduct" is mentioned, the words have precise meaning. A "crime" happened if after a trial or a plea deal a charging prosecutor gets judicial closure, that a crime happened. No trial, no plea, with all the due process dressings required; no crime. Only claims, allegations, denials, and for criminal convictions to happen the prosecutorial authority has to believe a crime happened with enough probable cause for such a belief, or he/she should not file charges. No charges were filed. Over an OFF CAMPUS set of circumstances where there was contention and denials, and defenses against criminal liability asserted; i.e., a defense by multiple parties and witnesses asserting consensual sex with multiple partners by an inebriated woman without any proof of record that she was too inebriated to consent.

How it was.

Sophistry aside, how it remains. And paper over things while the main problem now is at Johns Hopkins, because university students need learning experiences, this, and the firing of the head coach to replace his winning with a cheerleader yet to win a post-season bowl game; those things represent learning experiences. Got your learning, pay library fines and move on, others are in line and waiting.