
Friday, August 18, 2017

It was worldwide news when the Taliban blew up two massive Buddha statues.

Breitbart wants bigger statue destruction numbers, see online opinion, here and here (this item for the last Breitbart link, in context). Chelsea begins presidential campaign with opinion on statues, sharp and glib but erroroneous, but she's after all a Clinton.

So much for little news, when there's a Breitbart blockbuster - a giant returns to fertile roots:

McArthurish in scope, charisma and bravado, (the Philipines promise, not the old soldiers thing).

Apart from anything to do with Breitbart, clearly, but back to statues, here, here and here.

Luckily we have no big Buddha items stateside, no Taliban, and as to other statues do remember Trump's favorite film is not Birth of a Nation.