
Saturday, March 21, 2015

ANOKA COUNTY - Reader help needed. Will somebody explain to me why Harold Hamilton ceased posting his Anoka County Watchdog stuff at the Record website - listed there as "PAID ADVERTISMENT?" Was it in order to have himself a bigger fig leaf about that entire situation, or did he have another explanation such as the incremental exposure beyond his own website that he got via the Record did not justify the cost of posting it as "PAID ADVERTISEMENT?" [CORRECTED, SEE END OF POST].

Record watchers can note that Harold's last official bark on the Record website was per the Feb. 27, 2015 posting on the Record website. Since then there have been only a few further postings there at that website - each sans dog woofs; one dated March 6, another dated March 13, and a latest March 20 - the latter having what appears to be a front-page unpaid advertisement about GOP affairs, and mention of Amtrak.

Below is the last Record dog woof - (preserved for posterity) - before Harold's deciding to cease (or interrupt) his own personal publication there:

click to read

Enlarge that thumbnail. See at the bottom. It does say "PAID ADVERTISEMENT."

Really it does. Strangely so.

I expect Harold's pants have a right pocket and a left pocket, and as a free American, he can freely move his money from one pocket to the other any time he wants to. As a thought experiment, moving a Ben Franklin bill from left pocket to right pocket, would the phrase be the left pocket "paid" the Ben Frank to the right? Or just "shifted" it?

Now it should be noted, I am not privy to contract terms between Hamilton and John K., although I did ask. Each declined to provide me any information.

DEPARTING QUESTION: How would you phrase that Ben Frank hypothetical?

Interestingly, that last Feb. 27 woof, on the top caption it says something about "on the lookout for fraud in Anoka County." Good to know, the dog says so.

_________FURTHER UPDATE__________
CORRECTION: I was flat-out wrong. The Captain was still aboard ship, Friday the 13th.

This link, p.3 [confusing as being for a change the second page of PAID ADVERTISEMENT. Perhaps Mar. 20 was an anomaly, an interlude with the dog not having any woof to pay to publish for that web post, and I simply misinterpreted a mere momentary roiling in a Tea Pot, as if it were a tempest. My apologies to readers, to Harold Hamilton, and to John K. I erred. This led to my checking again the Mar. 20 website posting, and indeed, there is no Harold Hamilton content identified as such within that item.]