
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Why does self-appointed Watchdog-of-the-blind-Right-eye ignore an Abeler opinion? Because he is more Oz lion than bulldog?

Dog, you really do pick and choose your trees, ...

The fact is, others do write to the editor, and get published. Pay heed.

Now, I normally try to excerpt items published by ABC Newspapers (i.e., real newspapers, buying ink by the drum and newprint by the hundred-weight or ton - more than a website with an electronics supply house as its ostensible Anoka County business address). I do so to encourage readers to go to the original for complete detail. This time, why be different? For this excerpt, read the full item here.

It made sense at the time. That’s the only reason I can fathom for the Anoka County Board of Commissioners to choose to publish its important County notices in the Anoka County Record, a newspaper that reaches almost nobody.

[...] For most, the County Board is nearly invisible anyway, with a role understood far less than city councils or the state legislature. Adding another layer of fog will only serve to increase their lack of accountability to the 340,000 souls they are sworn to serve.

[...] Bad things can happen in the dark when it comes to politics, and the sunshine of public exposure serves to prevent that. It is time to undo a poor decision and put the Anoka County people first, and open the door of county government a bit wider for all to see.

It’s time to send the Anoka County Record packing, [...]

Jim Abeler
Former member of the MN House

Well Jim, the District 1 seat where you live is up for election in 2016. With the properly accountable people in place on the Board, sound decisions can follow, and back to full-time fair sunshine on things also can follow.

Somebody has to contest the seat, Jim, since the incumbent is a favorite of the Oz lion. Perhaps they foresee a challenger, in a letter writer?

A suggestion to bring light and reason to the "Anoka County Record Question."

Mr. Abeler, and Mr. Look or his designate might visit the ostensible Anoka County Record office in Fridley, and each independently in an ABC Newspapers letter to the editor report - nothing but the facts and honestly stated - what they found and saw there. It might enlighten the situation. After all, the purported editor of the ostensible operation encourages contact via a P.O. Box, and newspapers in general do not do that. They have plant and equipment and buy ink and paper.

Such a visit just might also give the pair an opportunity to converse with Harold Hamilton, while onsite.