
Saturday, March 21, 2015

I sent Harold Hamilton an email. I encourage readers to do the same. [see UPDATE]

Captioned in the SUBJECT line,

A question that many in the public might care to see answered.

Alert readers will note that the image previously posted of Harold's last "Watchdog" publishing at the Anoka County Record website listed at its end a contact email address.

That's the one I used. It's the one I encourage readers to use, in anticipation of an answer of some sort.

Here's the text of my email

Harold -

Why did you cease publishing as "PAID ADVERTISMENT" the "Watchdog" stuff at the Anoka County Record website?

What was the rationale?

Thank you for the anticipated prompt reply.

Now, to be fully candid, I actually am uncertain whether I will get a prompt reply, or not. I expect not. That is because previously Harold indicated he'd ignore email from me. Hence, it is most imperative that inquisitive readers show their own initive in seeking an answer. We wait. We see. But it truly is a valid question to be asking the gentleman.

UPDATE: Please note the correction to the post immediately below this one.