From the start of her Minnesota success, Bachmann played big-time to bigotry, to the God, gays and guns theme, and marched to wins. She let that go and heard a big "woooosh" as Santorum bypassed her, so we can anticipate her pursuing a rededicated hate-centered reentry after a week or so into Minnesota stuff, (or she may wait until redistricting is decided, but the better guess is an ego that size cannot be patient).
She will be the candidate of hate and bigotry again. Because it worked. Gay-hating, gay-baiting, stronger than before. Look for it.
Now, what's my evidence that Santorum passed her up by using her own springboard methodology and demagoguery - wanting big government not small, big sabre-rattling anti-Iran military spending, big theocratic "reform" to nationwide federally-guided Dominionism, all that? Have a look -
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Yup. For the crowd Michele will be after, it surely is/will be again KISS; for they are simple, and stupid.
Bachmann overlooked that "base" she held. A thought experiement: Bachmann let Santorum take Iowa gun nuts. Ergo - Look for Michele Bachmann to renew her conceal-carry permit in Minnesota, and to make a big thing of doing so. You can bet on it. You can take it to the bank.
Look for Bachmann's CD6 run to be based on stealing all of Santorum's text and layout, with "Michele" subsituted for "Rick" and with a bit of differing design detail to disguise direct theft - and look for her to have Pastor Mac, Andy Parrish and the Quistian spouses front and center.
Back to what worked, like Neil Young's 1970 album after the CSN&Y stint had petered out, an album aptly titled, "After the Gold Rush," with the artist's reawakened country-style, particularly noteworthy per the song, "In the Field of Opportunity it's Plowing Time Again." Replowing country sound, big time, because it might be the thing to sell.
That song could even be a new-but-now-back-to-old Michele Bachmann campaign stop theme song.
After the POTUS Rush.
All that.
Small government Tea Party, back burnered; big government theocracy, front burner - and pour on that heat. Sure, it is intellectual prostitution. Big time intellectual prostitution. But what else do you expect?