
Friday, February 18, 2011

John McCain might enjoy falsely calling himself a "maverick," but some are.

Now that Ron Paul has taken the lion's share of the CPAC attention, where will "Audit the Fed" go?

Now that the GOP controls the House, will "Audit the Fed" grow legs?

Or is the GOP ruling faction happy with the Fed exactly as it is, the bailout of Wall Street as it was, and the Obama inattention to bailing out Joe Public facing a looming foreclosure where bailed out banks stand to pick up title to a bunch of real estate, housing and commercial, for their portfolios?

Obama seems to have delivered more for the GOP mainstream, than change. "Change" was a hoax, never mind those saying global warming is a hoax. The Koch brothers cannot really be too upset with Obama, so far.

Who will be the next mayor of Chicago? A Blago style of maverick? And is mayor-of-Chicage all that important to the rest of the nation? Boeing moved headquarters there from Seattle. It must have some attractions.

What's Russ Feingold doing these days, and what might it indicate about his future intent? He's started a PAC. If you believe Google, he's contemplating a book. It seems the thing (e.g., Sarah and Timmy - if you want puff pieces). Feingold reportedly intends a book on foreign policy.

Any readers with any insights are invited to comment. People looking at Ron Paul's domestic agenda and inclinations should also consider his foreign policy thoughts. Ceasing to rattle the sabre is not bad policy. Others can rattle their own sabres if so inclined. Put their own in harm's way. Ceasing payouts is also an interesting thought.