
Sunday, February 20, 2011

HIGHWAY ROBBERY: Dennis Berg as victim of the Champlin heavy boot of government. Caught in the egregious speed trap known as "Champlin." It is a shameful thing that the people of Champlin should have the decency to shut down. Their government, out of control, gouging highway traffic, but it's an offset against local property taxes ... Given that I guess they can live with the shame.

Stand and deliver!

Those morons in Champlin should be slammed upside the head and told to stop.

Strib reporting. This link.

'Blackmail fee'

Berg was further irked, he said, when he learned that instead of contesting the $142 ticket, he could settle the matter with the city of Champlin and have his "driving record protected ... have the slate wiped clean," for $150.

"I cannot bring myself to pay the blackmail fee," Berg wrote to Freeman. He also said in his letter that the Champlin Police budget for 2011 includes "a fine revenue quota of $300,000."

Get after them like an angry pit bull, Dennis. If anybody deserves being hounded and publicized over it, it is them.