
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Potholes and money.

Strib reporting, this opening screenshot (as always click on the image to enlarge and read - or read the original Strib reporting, this link):

Strib continues.

What we see locally is what other local towns and counties also see. Ramsey's public works employees do okay. They earn their paychecks. Potholes cannot yet be patched until a dry spell is attained after the freeze-thaw cycling that works against the roads has ended. Springtime is when it can be done. It needs funding, and that means State aid to local government, or further burdening homeowners with property tax hikes to cover for withdrawn state aid. One or the other. If the rich are taxed for a fair amount for a change, by the State, ends can meet and budgets can be balanced without major cuts in services, so that driving can be a less jarring experience.

It is called "government services," and is what citizens should expect and demand.