
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

GOP detritus given Regent appointments and paychecks.

STRIB report -- This link. Photo credit, here.

Laura Brod. Laura Brod! LAURA BROD!!


They are intent in driving good faculty away. Texas, Austin will gain, as the U. Minn. Twin Cities campus again loses.

The former head of the Chamber of Commerece. A lobbyist. As a Regent.

Give me a break. This is a disaster perpetrated by idiots in the legislature who don't know better, or worse, who know better but scornfully do it anyway.

Could you hand pick a more mediocre bunch? It would take effort.

It is casting ruin, deliberately laying waste, on what had been a world class educational institution.

Even the new morons in power in Wisconsin have not gone this route, yet.

I can see it, the Madison campus laid waste, by barbarians of the same kind, intent in undoing quality, nationwide, wherever it exists - deliberately ferreting out quality to despoil and ravish.