
Saturday, January 01, 2011

Regarding the dust and delay of the ego-driven, pompous, procrastinating predecessor, two links - Dayton and Medicaid again.

Reading facial expressions is always uncertain, but I would say that this photo is less uncertain than other situations.

Dayton, bless him, wants red tape delay to be a memory of his predecessor in office, not him.

This link, and this link present two somewhat different views of events, one being the more objective. Photo is from MDE, and it is a great juxtaposition of individuals. One on the way out, one on the way in, and it is a blessing for the State that Emmer could not coat tail on the general mood of the off-year elections. Because he was who he is, and because the GOP nominated him anyway, we have Dayton and an impatience with things as they were in the executive branch, and we should all be very thankful.