
Friday, November 12, 2010

Wall Street Toadies: "It is truly astounding that less than a day after winning control of the people's House of Representatives, Republican leaders are already hard at work doing the business of big Wall Street banks," said Tom McMahon.

This link. Source of the headline quote. GOP movement, already, to weaken and water-down bank and financial system reform that's been passed. Compare, here.

Text of the Geithner G 20 letter, here.

Geithner keeps writing, this link. A letter here, a letter there, so what's it gaining? Attention?

Globe and Mail on the Bernanke move to buy treasuries on eve of G 20 summit; here and here.

Watch for the groceries to become more expensive - less bang for your food stamp bucks.

And you voted GOP. Now the Dems have an excuse for everything that will go wrong, continue wrong - Them. Election's over. Back to business as usual. Tea prices will be going up too.