
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Michele Bachmann wanting a GOP leadership position reminds me of when I was ten, the Mardi Gras parades in New Orleans.

Michele Bachmann will have a role. I see her as a flambeaux carrier, on foot before the first float or between them. Not on the float standing watching the crowd, throwing the favors and having the attention. That's for others.

The flambeaux carrier can be in front, but if taking a wrong turn, a move not in the plans, the parade continues along its established route, and the errant flambeaux carrier departs from the crowds.

Wanting to be before the crowds, not away, our aging falmbeaux queen will not deviate from the parade route she's being told of, and she will keep the flambeaux stoked and bright, no burnout for the little lady in pink and pearls.

Carry on, Michele.

Along with breaking new Bachmannalia, Dump Bachmann has been posting on the non-event of a Bachmann hubris slap-down in her own GOP. Slate:

(My, an update is needed: The following text was misplaced in earlier posting - it refers to the makeup in the above pic and not an earlier one.) Look at those cheeks in the photo. You'd think with all the campaign cash she raised, somewhere in there would be $5.50 for a make-up mirror. NPR, this link.


Don't go away mad, Michele, ...