
Monday, November 15, 2010

In an ideal world, with the stories about Tom Emmer's repeated need to be refinancing his home ---

Dayton, Entenza, or Ciresi should buy his mortgage. Then, "Just shut-up and keep current on the payments, Tom," would be a refreshing thing to see and hear. And if Tom got a payment or two behind, do you suppose Sutton would help him out? I don't know the personalities involved, but I think that would prove unlikely.

What job will Emmer, Clark, and Kelliher end up with? And would Hatch accept a Dayton appointment to again head up the Commerce Department, with healthcare still so much in flux? Where Hatch might be in a Dayton administration, will be an interesting thing to see unfold.

My ideal post-election placement would be Maureen Reed, in the federal healthcare administrative machinery, setting rules and guidelines in the post-legislation world of administrative law and implementation - as a former healthplan administrator she knows where the fat can be trimmed vs. what is essential to keep up quality. And throughout her pre-primary candidacy she appeared as having the knowledge, character and will to handle such a job appropriately. But would she want to move to DC, short of being a legislative voice?