
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Yes, Michele Bachmann continues to ignore local media in favor of FOX and BECK. But aren't there three parties involved, each with a candidate seeking the MN 6 congressional seat? And there is Aubrey Immelman, running without party affiliation.

This link, to ABC covereage of Tarryl Clark's well thought out questionaire responses.

This link for IP candidate Bob Anderson's campaign site

It seems in noting Bachmann's declining to respond, the ABC papers indirectly note their own declining to address or acknowledge a quite viable third party candidacy. Beyond that, Aubrey Immelman of St. Cloud is a third fiscal conservative candidate running for the seat, as a candidate apart from each of the three parties. This website:

Yes, among the challengers to the flawed incumbent, DFL hopeful Tarryl Clark is the frontrunner, by a substantial margin. But conservatives who've had it with the incumbent are not without an alternative or two.

Strib reports that Anderson will be involved in a St. Cloud debate involving Clark, and surprisingly, Bachmann, who up to now has been held, by her handlers' discretion, from saying stupid and inflamatory things in public, as is her general habit. This link.