
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An uncertainty. Is it a Pawlenty retrospective? Is it a browser effect from my using Adblock and blocking Flash? It seems to sum up the Pawlenty administration over two terms.

This link, this screenshot. As always, click the image to enlarge and read:

Well it was a great theory, that the headline was about Pawlenty's eight years, and since the headline told the whole story on the two terms there was no need to say more - JUST AS THE SCREENSHOT HAD THE STORY, THIS MORNING WHEN I POSTED. However, subsequent Strib effort has disproven the first and most logical inference; i.e., there now is text to the story and no mention of Pawlenty whatsoever.

The link now has that change.

Well, good first impression anyway. The headline alone, with nothing more to say - Pawlenty's eight years in a nutshell - and no need to say more.