
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Anoka County Union does a site scrubbing. Citizens benefit, from not having to be bothered by history and such.

I noted the progress, for us, when looking for the previously used link to Tammy Sakry's Sept. 9, 2009, story on how Acapulco was to be siting a restaurnat in Ramsey Town Center, with a six-figure subsity as inducement, that link being:

Don't bother trying it, the link is dead; and in the wisdom of the ABC Newspapers empire, you get a rotor over to the current less helpful than before home page.

But Google at least remembers the good old days, when you could get a Google hit, and there was no rotor-over to junk, but you got what you were looking for - ah, those days, gone forever because of --- progress?

This screenshot:

This kind of improved service from ABC Newspapers reminds me why the family cancelled out on the Anoka County Union; and why others should do the same. Instead of serving you as they had, these learned folks decided to make the website less useful - so you'd love them more and subscribe to the tree-killer edition, I guess. Well, we cancelled. You can too.

If there is enough un-subscribing, a message might percolate to have things changed back to where they were, which was far from perfect, but better than now.