
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The worst of possible worlds, an anti-choice incumbent, Oberstar, again loses an anti-choice endorsement. This time the endorsement folks found themselves a willing more rabid anti-choice individual than Jim.

And choice makes all the sense in the world. Besides making sense, it is a big part of what freedom is all about. Freedom from government or the neighbors' intrusion into how you want to live when it is none of the government's business nor your neighbors'. Your family planning choices are private and less a nuisance to them than their snowmobiles are nuisance and intrusion into your quiet enjoyment of life when they yahoo themselves across the front of the driveway you've just shoveled. You pay the school taxes attendant to their unrestrained family growth. Yet you are the one needing to be regulated to their mind set.

You know about the one, their choices. Obtrusive. Yet unless they are unduly intrusive, "nosey" we call it, and skilled at it, they are unaware of yours.

Anyway, Strib reports that Oberstar's long standing dislike for families' freedom of choice gets nothing but anti-choicer disdain. Next the NRA will quit on him. This link.