
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Not Quislings, Rieslings.

The image of a bunch of Riesling grapes - white grapes - is from Wikipedia, here.

If Tony Sutton can call thirteen GOP luminaries who this election cycle are endorsing Tom Horner "Quislings," I can as well call them "Rieslings." And it makes more sense.

The thirteen decline to be lockstep unthinking Red Republicans no matter what indignities they see imposed. Nor are they Blue Dems, that being the Dem color these days. So, patriots all, if you have to give a red, white or blue label, and red and blue are off the table -- then don't call them sombre Quislings, call them white Rieslings.

And tradition is that a mildly chilled white Reisling is good with fowl; and these thirteen guys seem to be saying Emmer is for the birds, loony, so that's more in favor of Riesling terminology.

Reporting is here, here and here. Two-Putt Tommy Johnson's reaction taking umbrage, here.

And not leaving grapes just yet, what about Sutton and Brodkorb - only one kind of grape at play there, when they're beyond your reach they probably are

Sour grapes.