
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

WES VOLKENANT -- Using Google's Blogger as a way to communicate with voters in a city council election.

There are frustrations in writing blog entries, mainly seeing a sidebar poll that gets almost totally ignored, causing one to wonder if anyone is reading anything being posted.

A person I do not know and have never met who lives in a neighboring but different community:

Wes Volkenant

A candidate for the Andover city council, where I can read a little on his posts and gain a view of what some of that community's issues might be.

This link:

This screenshot from a post (as always click the image to enlarge and read):

It is a nice layout, a good template choice and page arrangement.

That sample post ends, with the following closing quoted wrap-up.

I will be presenting voters with a new voice this fall. At the most basic level, I bring a different background and perspective than my opponents. I am a union member - and activist - in AFSCME - the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (public employees' union). I am a public employee - I have been a public school teacher and I work in the human services department of Hennepin County. I have been an active Republican in my youth (in the pre-Reagan years), and an active Democrat/DFLer as an adult (in the Reagan years and beyond). I am a progressive on social issues, and practical-minded on economic/financial issues.

But at the level of governing and decision-making in Andover, my political leanings and labor background are not the critical determinants of whether or not I can serve the city well on the Council. You need a Council member who will hear your concerns , take time to study and consider the issue, then reach a decision. I will do my best to be that Council member, and to be your new voice on the Council.

This blog is my way of reaching out to you, and for you, the voter to dialogue with me - at least through November 3rd. In the future, I will be talking about union/labor issues, especially AFSCME issues in this space, and if elected, I will be here commenting on Andover-related concerns.

To me the Volkenant effort appears interesting and worth a revisit. Worth revisiting from time to time. For me, honestly, it will not be the burning first thing online to look at with the first cup of morning coffee, but it is thoughtful expression of somebody who's capable of writing cleanly and developing thoughts very coherently, with something to say.