
Monday, October 25, 2010

DATA: The level of poverty and dependence on government for survival after a substantial percentage of the population's been beggared by war games off budget on borrowed money, outsourcing, and the rich investing in other nations in hopes of higher returns.

Give them tax cuts, and the money trickles down in Asia, Europe, tax havens. The rich could care about having a strong and coherent nation with a prosperous population. A factory in China is as fine to them as in Detroit - better if it costs less and produces the same cash flow. That means fatter profit, after all, so screw the US of A, if there's several more bucks to doing it.

Then, after the dependence has been set, without the safety net folks would really suffer; and that is when the likes of Bachmann, Emmer, Tea Party deviant management, the Koch brothers, Fox talking heads, and all the batch of hangers-on and facilitators are earnestly at the task of dismantling the safety net.

DATA. Not bloviating in Emmer Gantry fashion. Start here, and explore where it leads you; data-wise. The flag waving faction is proud of this, and proud of where they want to take things next. They primp around as "true Patriot Americans" wrapping themselves in flags and intent on serving the interests that are depending on their aid in undoing the safety net.

Ugly? Ya betcha. Vote Dayton and Clark. As a start. But after the start, do not be lulled, and do not accept half measures and appeasement in place of reform. Demand reform. Take a Tea Party mood of dissatisfaction, and use it productively and not in the stupid fashion the likes of Palin, Bachmann, O'Donnell, and their puppeteers the Koch brothers, and friends, direct them.

Last thought, have a look at Think Progress online items, here, here and here. And be sure to have a look at the road map, and cover letter.