
Monday, October 25, 2010

Clinton in Blaine for Clark. Franken and Klobuchar make it a featured foursome.

Photo from PiPress coverage, here.

Strib, here.

MPR, here.

Clinton as quoted in Strib, plus a pair of further paragraphs:

“I’d like to see [Republicans] get behind a locomotive going 200 miles an hour straight downhill and stop it in 10 seconds. You can’t do that.”

"If we could bring back all the great Republicans from the past, every Republican leader from Theodore Roosevelt to Dwight Eisenhower would be voting for [Clark] in this election,” Clinton said. “Her opponent, this crowd in Washington, they make Richard Nixon look like a member of the Students for a Democratic Society.”

He accused Republicans of running a “bait and switch” in the midterm elections by publicly defending the taxpayer but actually catering to special interest groups.

Clark touted her upbringing in a Republican family and accused Bachmann of supporting outsourcing, a frequent target of her television ads.

From MPR coverage:

Clinton said Bachmann and other Republicans' push to make tax cuts permanent for the top 2 percent of earners does not make economic sense. He said it's inefficient to give people with a lot of disposable income more money because they won't spend it. He said Clark understands the necessary solution.

"It is far more efficient to give the money to small business, to green energy, to manufacturing, to young people to go to college, to workers to get trained for new jobs. That will grow the economy," Clinton said' "She is right, her opponent is wrong."

And Clinton was correct. Robert Reich's September op-ed from NY Times, featured earlier in Crabgrass, explains things clearly and without the BS smoke and mirrors accompanying GOP voodoo economics. Hence, the item is reprinted as the post below this one.

Also, see related earlier Crabgrass posts, on economic truth vs. GOP obscuring rhetoric; here and here.

All that was noted in Blaine last night.

All that is why it is essential that the carnival barker be replaced by intelligent, hard-working, well-motivated, decent and sensible Tarryl Clark; plus the change will have the interests and needs of Sixth District citizens decently represented for a change, instead of haughtily ignored.

Stimulus money needs to be spent. And it needs to be spent on things that yield prosperity and jobs. Not on continuing to allow the rich to hold a disproportionate share of wealth and income and to avoid postulated trickle down activities in favor of high-yield overseas investment and in bidding up asset bubbles which only make things worse when they burst; and where trading in securities market assets creates no new gross national product and no new jobs, but only shuffles ownership and creates profits and losses in trading accounts of the rich who are trading to game others of the rich, as well as retirement fund accounts, so that they might gain more and more of the wealth of this nation.

They are un-American that way, with their individual personal greed being placed in front of the best interests of the nation. These folks have to be educated. The rest of us DO MATTER.

Vote Tarryl Clark and Mark Dayton, for a start at a better non-Bush, non-Bachmann world and nation. It is that simple. Vote your best interests and don't vote for glib BS from the likes of Bachmann and Emmer. Be smart. Not dumb.

MinnPost coverage, this link.