
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Tom Emmer sure seems to have earned a living by a lot of personal injury litigation.

This link, to download a pdf copy of ten pages of online docket entries for civil cases that Emmer has filed as attorney, it being at least a partial list of everything he's filed in earning a living from his practice.

You can do the search yourself, or other searches, starting here.

There are sites that analyze Emmer's candidacy from a perspective more centrist than his ultra-right-wing stances:

"Explore Tom Emmer's Minnesota," this link.

"The Real Emmer Truth," this link.

"Alliance for a Better Minnesota," this link.

My belief was that "The Real Emmer Truth" was posted online earlier for all to see in Drew Emmer's blog, nephew and uncle being mirror images. I also think that the GOP-Emmer decision to deep-six that blog speaks loudly about who the Emmer family really is and how they'd not want that to get out to voters.

What other reason for shutting off access to Emmer family beliefs would there be, but to kill the thing so voters could not see how very, very, very, very, very right-wing, extreme and out of touch the Emmer family really is?

Killing off the showing of Emmer family core beliefs and stashing Drew Emmer in a closet for the duration of the election run surely seems to be a conscious step taken to be able to lie to and delude voters with a new Cullen Sheehan fabricated veneer on the old aged and weathered wooden heads involved.

If anyone out there has archived any of the Drew Emmer blog posts, please forward copies for posting. Web Archive has only a somewhat tepid posting thread archived, but you can see the scrubbed blog's layout, here.

Brodkorb has archived this item, from which the following screenshots are taken:

Not enough for you? Bashing Kieth Ellison and other Muslims is okay with you?

Try this. A page from the same single online resource.

RINO hunting cannot be denied as a fun thing for an Emmer to do, mixed with a touch of Emmer alien-based humor. Ha, ha. Funny. Way to tell 'em, Drew.

_________________FURTHER UPDATE_______________
Should anyone believe I am reaching in tying Drew Emmer and Tom Emmer too closely and that they are only 1 and 1A independent race horses from the same stable, the Billboardgate CFB report suggests close campaign as well as family ties.

Hat tip to Karl Bremer and his recent post at DumpBachmann for the Billboardgate link.