
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Tarryl Clark is on point. Bachmann's attitude to crisis costs of higher education seems to be, "I got mine, now you get yours." Clark is too polite to phrase it that way, but it surely is essential Michele Bachmann, that attitude.

This short middle-of-the-post quote:

"College must be accessible to all who want to do the hard work to succeed," said Clark. "Far too often, college is out-of-reach for even middle class students. My opponent, Michele Bachmann, has done nothing to make the dream of college a reality for hard-working students."
Clark's opponent, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, voted against the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, which increased Pell Grants for needy students, improved federal loan programs, and worked to make college more affordable.

This link.

Financial aid for those not from wealthy families is an essential step that benefits all of society - a better educated work force is a better asset for us all.

Young undergraduate students in the St. Cloud area have for years been attracted to Clark as a political friend to their needs and hopes.

Bachmann, she takes what she can get and does not care at all to see regulation of Wall Street upgraded. Go figure. It does get Bachmann Wall Street money to campaign with, and Jim the Election Guy seems to have a blind eye for such "trivia."

Jim the Election Guy probably never went to college, never had to do the Top Raman noodle lunch thing to make ends meet.

Jim's the "election guy" who married pretty Pamela Brown, per Leo Kottke verses.

Bachmann surely seems to have latched onto Jim, almost as with Bush after the SOTU speech.

Lucky they both were not wearing braces.

My guess, with Jim not George, "She dug him cause he drove a pick-up truck."

And I am not saying she's running ads deliberately talking down to her electorate. It's talking down to the electorate.

Not to her electorate.