
Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Governor news, present and future.

Grandstanding by Pawlenty on not taking federal funds when Minnesotans' health is at stake and funds could be helpful, that's getting enough coverage. Hence, I only give the Google News item link, follow-up as you like. Ambition trumps decency, again, but after all, it's Pawlenty. And is he pulling a reversal in mid-stream, one Michele Bachmann would be proud of, take the money, don't take the money, qualify taking the money, some money not others, abstinence from taking the money - except for abstinence? Go figure.

A piece of work. Luckily a Minnesota lame duck, now a wannabe national headache.

Main Post: These screenshot items, sequentially giving opening reporting from here, here, (source of the opening image), and here. Go to the links, if you want to read entire articles. Note the one Maddow item has an embedded video, [see underlining at bottom of middle screenshot] and it's there if you want to have a look. As always, click an image to enlarge and read it: