
Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Minnesota Senate District 48 contest, Perovich as DFL endorsed candidate, Jungbauer as GOP.

Minnesota Senate District 48 is where I reside, in House District 48B. Laurie Olmon is running as DFL endorsed candidate in House District 48A, which is the more northern part of SD 48, where she is currently residing and serving as a city council member, City of Nowthen.

I have posted about the Olmon campaign, and about Laurie previously, and after saying that I move to SD 48.


Yesterday's News: Everybody who has voted previously probably realizes that Mike Jungbauer, GOP, is the incumbent and a global warming skeptic. He has a campaign website, and there is a Wikipedia page:

Because politician's often have friends and foes monkeying around with the Wikipedia pages, things there can look different from day to day; Michele Bachmann's page being particularly prone to opinionated editing and counterediting, much as her opinions often show up two sided, as stated and as later backed away from.

Today's Big New Thing: Peter Perovich has this website,

with a screenshot from the top of his issues page below, so you can look at it before linking over to explore the entire site and learn about the Perovich effort and characteristics.

As a coincidental note, I have the free Trend Micro RUBotted anti-malware utility installed and it has told me the Jungbauer webpage is trying to "bot" me.

I am sure that is one of the false positive responses the utility is known to generate from time to time, and my expectation is that the political site is safe.

What in the Jungbauer site triggers the anti-bot software is unclear, but as with any website - you trust and risk whatever you access, and some utilities exist such as McAfee's free Site Advisor that can assist users.

Site Advisor can be installed and used independent of whether your anti-malware protection is purchased from McAfee or other vendors, and I have not had any software incompatability with it. It can be used as a browser plug-in to provide constant info on search page return lists (including a toolbar), or the link above can be used to plug in a website URL from time-to-time for checking as needed. Jungbauer's site, it gets a green Site Advisor okay. The Perovich site is newer and it gets a question mark because no reviewer has yet reported about it and the McAfee site spider is backordered, as to sites to examine and approve.

Both campaign sites likely pose no problems.

Think about it.

Offensive overaggresive usage-tracking software can lose votes, but will not really gain any. However, access demographics are always available to site owners as you browse, e.g., try this link, a page accessible from the SRIron homepage.