
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Oliphant - nailing down a truth in a cartoon.

Image source, this link.

And then, as if the GOP is not sufficiently awful, and overly crude in its uncharming perpetual frat-boy manners, there is GOP-lite, the favored current White House Koolaid flavor. All of the criticism of Obama as being little different from Bush, the criticism that press secretary Gibbs does not like as a burr under his saddle, is correct. I am not satisfied with what they called Healthcare reform. Who is? Besides bought Blue Dogs and other health-industrial-complex running dogs? I will not be satisfied until single payer is a nationwide fact. I may die before it happens, but it will happen. People being distracted in wrong directions by Tea Party hypnosis may wake up and see that Mark Dayton's simple sentence, "Tax the rich," is a needed starting point to build a fairer and better nation. It is not a complete answer. There is much more to defining the proper extent of the Social Contract, but "Tax the rich" is aimed in a proper direction. Ironically, that is a direction Tea Partiers deliberately avoid. Any guess why? Any guess if it relates to who Rupert Murdoch is and who's running Tea Parties for the likes of Rupert? Wake up. Get vocal. Push. Demand. Surely the phrase, "non-negotiable demands" from the 60's was met with the Kent State and Jackson State killings, to quell dissent, but reform will never happen by itself. Rupert Murdoch would not want that. Hemsley at UnitedHealth would not like it either.

A response to the Gibbs obscenity, (saying the left has little cause to criticize Obama), with the response being, obviously and easily, more truthful - this link. Same Brad Blog, running the Oliphant cartoon attained an interesting comment stream - this link.