
Sunday, August 15, 2010

This is an experiment, using Microsoft Skydrive, public access, to attempt to publish documents online, by links.

First, jpg scans of earlier Steffen and Look info supplied to ABC Newspapers, but not online.

Here, and here.

Next, two pdf items, each an interesting Ramsey HRA minutes set, one having the HRA budget approval record from which I earlier excerpted a page.

Here, and here.

Last, three Ramsey HRA agenda sets, one having the HRA budget from which I earlier excerpted a page.

Here, here and here.

Not in any special order. Each interesting, at least to me.


Putting linked images into Blogger posts is a simple procedure. Linking to pdf documents someone has posted onto the web also is simple.

Being able to put pdf items online, and to then link to them successfully from Blogger is a less simple thing, and is a major point of this experiment.

The other point is that the items themselves might be of interest to folks living and voting in Ramsey; and require a bit of pointless ferreting to extract in usable form from the City website's link to its LaserFiche WebLink data. I did the pdf conversion steps, and saved to local storage, so putting the pdf format items online in a accessible way is the final step.


As to access, each link should open to a specific doc ID for a public page on my Skydrive account. To read the item you download it, then open it. (While allowing open and linked access to the public part of the account, public access to the private part is blocked. As you would expect.) Skydrive allows free storage of up to 25 gb of uploaded data. For free. Microsoft's effort to get users to their part of "the cloud."


One of the agenda items has the flat-fee version of the Landform contract with Ramsey, as voted on and approved. I believe the final contract is substantially identical to the agenda version, if not verbatim identical. I have seen one city document clearly defining that intellectual property arising from the consultancy is, by undated line-out of a default granting it to Landform, and instead the property of the city, by undated initialing of the document. When I get it moved to Skydrive, I will post that link. Keep aware. The "Crabgrass Repository" public access part of the account is: this link.

Perhaps I watch too many western movies, but the Landform contract does not merely hire a sheriff, or post a bounty, but gives Landform both - a sheriff's regular pay, and a bounty for scalps brought in [chumps who put up real cash to site operations at Ramsey Town Center].

In today's market, the entire thing seems wasteful, since Dave Jeffrey pointed out in a most recent council meeting that Matt Look's argument against hiring a TIF and other economic development director on staff is exactly the argument against dumping a ton of regular Ramsey taxpayer cash these days into Landform. The market is against it being productive of much, if any, return on investment, today, under current real estate realities and not on vague and ill-grounded gambler-hopes against probability.

Look trots out the obvious objection against what he'd not want, but when facebook friends are around he changes tune.

Worthless waste must be entirely in the eye of the beholder.

_________FURTHER UPDATE________
I might be jumping against Matt Look too strongly because he is a high profile candidate of the moment.

It was four council members - Vegas junketeers that in concert brought Landform into a contract posture with City of Ramsey. Look was one, but without three others voting as he did things might have been different. Besides Look - there was Mayor Ramsey, Colin McGlone was another, Elvig was the fourth.

Look in an email has suggested he was not the biggest Landform booster in the past - but he declined to say who on council was. From minutes, it was not Dehen, Wise or Jeffrey.

Look ends his stay on Ramsey's council at the end of the year. Regardless of whether he or Steffen end up county board district 1 rep, Look is off the city council.

Elvig's seat is in play this election with Harry Niska an alternative. Niska is too GOP-entrenced for my liking. Otherwise he clearly is a bright, young, and accomplished person. His credentials are impressive. He's not Elvig, he's an alternative.

Bob Ramsey and McGlone are not up for reelection until 2012.

By then Landform may be such a part of things that criticism of it, and it's by then established productivity record, if any, will be met with a collective voter yawn. I would hope not, but voters are an unreliable bunch.

In any event by 2012 the track record of Landform will be sharply defined. Those up for 2012 reelection will have to justify keeping Landform on contract by then, unless the termination clause is exercised between now and then and the contract is severed.

By 2012 the rail stop situation will have advanced. My guess there, given buying the distressed Ramsey Town Center project, this council will tax-and-bond one way or another to build a station whether ridership it might offer would justify the expense - whether Northstar as a venture ever proves economically suitable. As a fiscal conservative concerning local politics and political moves, I would find that troublesome if in 2012 it is a reality.