
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Interesting conservative-libertarian critiques. Ron Paul's position on militarism is within this line of dogma.

Read them yourself. I am not pushing the thinking as sound or unsound. Only as different from what you hear from Michele Bachmann, especially when she goes on her theocratic circuit riding bent, and different from what you hear from Sutton-Brodkorb, or Strib.

Links, here, here, here, and here. You can use that as a base to explore the line of thought more thoroughly.

The Austrian school is consistent in its message, not talking of freedom and free market mechanisms being ideal, while at the same time embracing the existing power elite and power structure as it spans both major parties, and they avoid the intellectually dishonest position of talking about freedom and then denying freedom of womens' and families' choice. They are consistent, agree or disagree. They are not poseurs trying to mix and match. Ron Paul seems to be with the Austrian school regarding the Fed, but he's pro-life, so go figure. It's trying to do the big tent thing, rather than being consistent and analytical. Give Ron Paul a B+, no better, until he recognizes choice is freedom.